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Choose your pricing plan

  • Save and Support From Home

    Every month
    This Package is great if you don't think you'll be able to get to any of our events. But still want to play your part at home and be apart of the movement.
    • 1 pack of seeds per month
    • Access to exclusive content
    • 1 Limited Edition MEiAH T-shirt or Hat Per Year
    • Early Bird Access to Tickets for The Trees Of Fame Awards
  • Traveling Supporter

    Every month
    Great for People who might not live near a current regular event location, but would travel about once a year to come save the world with us.
    • Same as the Save and Support from Home package +
    • Access to 1 Super Hero Event per year
    • 1 Limited Edition MEiAH Hoodie per year
  • Local Hero

    Every month
    Perfect for people who live close enough to one of our event cities to join us at least 6 times a year.
    • Traveling Supporter membership perks +
    • Rainbow Warrior Crystal Chakra Tree Necklace
    • Access to 6 Super Hero events per year
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  • TikTok
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